Football Manager 2012 allows you to take control of any club in over 50 nations across the world, including all of the biggest leagues across Europe. You're in the hot-seat, which means you decide who plays and who sits on the bench, you're in total control of tactics, team-talks, substitutions and pitch-side instructions as you follow the match live with the acclaimed 3D match engine allowing YOU to make the difference!
Go to: and download STEAM client
Click "Install Steam" (from the upper right corner)
Install and start application, login with your Account name and Password (create one if you don't have).
Please follow these instructions to activate a new retail purchase on Steam:
Launch Steam and log into your Steam account.
Click the Games Menu.
Choose Activate a Product on Steam...
Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
After successful code verification go to the "MY GAMES" tab and start downloading.